Posts Tagged ‘Eastern Shore VA boating’

Oyster, VA — Your Connection To Some Fabulous Seaside Fishing

Friday, November 10th, 2017

For easy access to some great seaside fishing on Virginia’s Eastern Shore, the boat ramp in Oyster is a prime launch pad.  And I have come to the conclusion, albeitB1 non-scientific, that there is a reason behind the term “fishermen” because several weeks ago, all the early Saturday morning boats launching from the ramps in this tiny Eastern Shore town were filled with fisher  “men”.   There were a few fisherboys, but not a fisherwoman or fishergirl in sight.  This surprised me because, even though I am not one of them, I know a lot of gals who are fisherwomen, Big Time !  I was in Oyster near dawn hoping to get some good sunrise photos of the harbor and fishing boats heading out to our pristine off-shore Barrier Islands and the Atlantic Ocean beyond, figuring a Saturday morning would offer a good opportunity to photograph a real variety of boats. After watching 7 or 8 boats push out from the ramp, it suddenly dawned on me that the folks in each of the boats were all guys, nary a woman in sight.  Not sure what this shows, if anything at all, except that quite a few guys probably had a great time fishing that Saturday, hope they caught their limits! 

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Friday, November 10th, 2017

DSC_4734If you haven’t discovered the newly renovated Northampton County boat ramp at Red Bank, you have missed a treat. Heralded at the end of a long narrow, winding road by a rugged, weathered sign announcing that you have arrived at Red Bank, you notice first the sturdy new pilings topped by shiny white caps that glisten in the early morning light. Nearby, a handicapped parking space is perfectly positioned for rolling right out on thick new planks of the docks. But best of all, a tangy salty aroma and a serene stillness broken only by sounds from Mother Nature greet visitors to this quiet seaside hamlet. As we arrived, the brick red sun had just begun its daily climb, barely peeking over the horizon, its first rays shimmering in the nearly crimson waters. Crystal clear reflections of the piers, boats, trees and nearby buildings began gleaming in the salty waters of the creek. Tide flowing out, seabirds calling overhead, herons strutting the low tide flats, stealthily searching out a tasty breakfast, just another peaceful Eastern Shore morning.









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