by: Marlene email

DSC_1268I long for more calm summer nights, more peaceful and quiet moments, more serene memories. Does anything feel more gentle or tranquil than a balmy summer’s evening outdoors, touched by soft salty breezes carrying sounds of murmured conversation and light laughter ? On an evening like that I love to window shop in Cape Charles. Everything closed, including late lingerers at the Brown Dog Ice Cream Shop shop, lights already dimmed, just a few folks out on Mason Avenue, strolling leisurely, holding hands, walking dogs or shepherding children. A couple cars driving to Kelly’s Pub, a few heading back to the hotels from The Shanty, a golf cart headed for the beach loop around Bay Avenue, one or two people at the LOVE sign, taking photos in the fading twilight, a murmuring couple sitting side by side in the sand, savoring the last moments of sunset. Otherwise, all quiet on the Western front. And in that peaceful instant, in that tiny sliver of time between the end of a busy day and the hush of nightfall, you’ll find the perfect time to window shop in Cape Charles.

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