( This is a repost from ?Spring, 2019. Like everyone else, Blue Heron has been getting organized for #SocialDistancing with little time for photo ? taking. ) But, especially now, we all need to take a little cheer where it appears. Since ?Spring brings a whole Universe of Pink ? to Virginia’s Eastern Shore ? we decided to repost these beautiful Shore Spring photos. And when we say Pink we mean the whole Pink color ?? ??spectrum- – from fuchsia, magenta, rouge and softest rose to barely blushing apple blossom. (Need we say more, it’s truly Pink ! ) And we love it, because of course, Pink is the universal color of ?love. So, blossoms blazing everywhere…. in yards, along roads, by offices and in woodlands, a special Spring ❤️ Valentine straight from Mother Nature.
And of course, there are other showy Spring colors, the sunny green ?stems and yellows and oranges of daffodil blooms, and jonquils, the Bradford pear trees ?with myriad white blossoms covering the entire tree with a snow- like blanket. Or the tiny dogwoods with delicate yellow centered blooms, variegated white and red ? camellias, lavender azaleas, lilac- colored ?laurels, all contributing to the joyful celebration of Spring. So ….Keep Calm, Spring has Sprung ! To borrow a phrase – Live in the Sunshine ?, Swim the Sea ?Drink the Wild Air ?! Because it’s Spring on the Eastern Shore ? and even the Coronavirus can’t stop Mother Nature from showing her true colors ?!
Tags: Eastern Shore of Virginia, life on Virginia's Eastern Shore, Nature, Virginia Eastern Shore