by: Marlene email

DSC_5070A big thank-you to Susan Russell from Gull Hummock who helped Blue Heron Realty agent Barrett Cree do the honors in our free drawing. We now have 2 lucky winners ! The beautiful miniature blue heron, carved by talented local artist John Harlow, went to Carol Cargill from Northern Virginia. Carol, who was here in Cape Charles on Saturday, not for the LOVE Run, but for the wedding of her nephew-in-law Mitch Steele, said that she was astonished and delighted to win such a lovely piece of art. The second prize $100 gift certificate to the Oyster Farm Eatery went to Phillip Dail of the Cape Charles Candy Company on Mason Avenue who thought it was a sweet reward, pun intended.

These 2 prizes were part of Blue Heron Realty’s celebration of the 1st Annual LOVE Run whose proceeds will help maintain the LOVE Sign, an incredibly popularDSC_5059 landmark for visitors to pose for pictures. Folks truly love standing on the LOVE, sitting on it, laying on it, straddling it, hanging off it, peeking through it, posing their toddlers on top of it and just generally making it a focal point of thousands of photos every year. So much love for the LOVE equals a lot of wear and tear. So, Annual LOVE Run to the rescue ! Congrats to the 3 winners of the inaugural 5K Run, 1st place Matt Boynton, 2nd place Alan Killebrew and 3rd place Christina Corollo. And kudos to Main Street and all the volunteers, you pulled it off in style ! Blue Heron was delighted to be one of the sponsors of that whole inaugural celebration – – early hour, gale force winds ( well, nearly), purple spray and all !!




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